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In the open source world blogs are one of the main vehicles for general discussions about technical and project issues. One of the main reasons for this is that open source projects are interconnected, and developers working on one project want to follow what is happening in other projects. Users also like to know what is happening behind the scenes with their favourite software. Blogging is a great way to reach new people who share similar interests to you. Sites like,, and others facilitate this.

The volume of blog postings created within a community can be overwhelming. To help deal with this, RSS or Atom feeds enable the receipt of content in a machine-readable format so that it can be used in a variety of different ways.

Many open-source community maintain a Planet site which aggregates the feeds from community members into a single page (and the Planet, in turn, provides an aggregated feed). Here are some examples:

Blogs in SPO600

You are required to blog twice per week on things related to the course, your project, your readings, etc. If you haven't blogged before, spend some time reading other people's blogs.

You are also encouraged to comment on other people's blog posts when you have something to say in reply, either directly (by leaving a comment on their blog) or by creating a blog entry of your own that links to the other's blog (most blog software will automatically link the postings using a “Trackback” mechanism). The makes the blog a two way communication medium, and help blog authors understand how their views are being received.

Posting Guidelines

Your blog is an integral part of your work in your open source course(s). Blog postings will be made available to other students, faculty, and the general public via the web and your RSS/Atom feeds, and your postings will appear on Telescope.

Because your blog postings will be incorporated into other content, it is important that you represent your thoughts professionally, using these guidelines:

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in removal of your feed from Telescope, and in a severe case (such as a breach of the AUP) may result in disciplinary action from the college.

Please note that if you want to create blog entries that may not conform to these guidelines, you are free to do so in one of two ways:

Access to Blog Posts

It's important that your professor be able to easily access your blog posts for a particular date range. Some blog software and blog themes provide easy access to your posts and some make it very difficult. Please don't frustrate your prof – and risk having them miss some of yours posts! – by using a configuration that makes it hard to find your posts.